Street Photography

A L O N E T O G E T H E R.
The internalisation that each and every person we see is living a life as vivid and complex as your own.
The paradoxical comfort of catching a glimpse of a first date, of friendships reconnecting, family outings or solo travellers disconnecting, prayers not yet answered, anxious thoughts breaking through. All of these stories taking place invisibly around you and indifferent to you.
These unseen stories, occurring side by side, create an intricate tapestry of life that no one person can ever appreciate in it’s entirety. We are only ever allowed to witness the lives we’ve woven around us. That’s the echo of being "alone together"—a sense of collective solitude in a world teeming with individuality. We all experience this life from our own unique lens, but it is this aloneness that paradoxically unites us.
That is where I found myself on a mildy warm Ferbruary day in Italy. Finding the art in framing these stories. In immortalizing the unseen connections and the fleeting stories that I’ll never be privy to. But that’s where the magic lies and the pressure releases within myself.
Alone together is the sprawling echo of our unique perspectives in life. Every photograph is not just a frozen moment, but a testament to the intricate, untold narratives unfolding in the lives of those around us. Every person you pass holds a world within them, hurtling through the space betwen. And sometimes, if you stop and find a view, all it takes is a click of the shutter to bring their story to life. We are alone in this life to be sure. But at least we’re alone together.